
Book Cover
Book Cover
The Empowered Lifestyle
Modern Learning Styles
Concept for book cover
Book Cover for All Things New
Just Being Alive
Zero Turn
Simply BBQ
Book Cover
The 4-Hour Wholesaler
Mord im Kaiserbad

À propos

Reality will break your heart,
Survival will not be the hardest part...
Its keeping all your HOPES alive.
-Hayley Miss Williams

Membre depuis: 31 janvier 2012
Guide de marque
Niveau Intermédiaire




"Loved my design and the designer worked with me to make sure everything was perfect!"
Image de profilmpaulsonusn évalué il y a 3 jours
"people liked it but did not understand the person I the bird"
Client anonyme évalué il y a 5 jours
"I am thoroughly impressed with the exceptional job done on the cover design; it's perfect! The attention to detail, vibrant colors, and creative layout have exceeded my expectations. This cover is visually appealing and encapsulates the essence of the b..."
Image de profilorlando196E évalué il y a environ un mois
"Did a great job! Thanks!"
Image de profilJCat159 évalué il y a 3 mois
"Lonestar did quality work in his very first try! We made a few minor tweaks Lonestar's work is professional and well done. Lonestar was responsive to all requests. Thank you, Lonestar!"
Image de profilfirstdean8 évalué il y a 5 mois