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Membre depuis: 28 juillet 2011
Niveau Intermédiaire




"We were really happy with the work he did. He was really proactive and responsive with the feedback and produced new versions from our feedback in impressive speed! "
Image de profilTuomas1 évalué il y a presque 9 ans
"you did a great job irwangalih!!! This design says a lot to me - and it tells me what kind of job I have. In life there is ups and downs but we never give up. We can reach our goal no matter what the circomstance says. NO LIMITATION makes you "discov..."
Image de profilGrete.krafttrening évalué il y a presque 9 ans
"Great to work with, excellent creative work."
Image de profilRishp22 évalué il y a presque 9 ans
"Very skilled and creative designer. Thank you! :)"
Image de profilRSS_UK évalué il y a presque 9 ans