
PrivateNexus logo
consumer privacy app logo
combination of chameleon and book concepts.
fiber optic logo
cookie gamer logo
naughty cat
android mobile game logo
Tech, auto
bent nail construction concept.
sugar hi
Logo design for BLUE TOWER DIGITAL

À propos

let's work..!!

Membre depuis: 14 décembre 2013


"Very responsive, great to work with, and delivered a very creative design! Highly recommend."
Client anonyme évalué il y a environ 2 mois
"Outstanding work and very responsive! A pleasure to work with!"
Client anonyme évalué il y a 5 mois
"I had a solid idea of what I wanted & this designer created something I had given up on finding someone to conceptualize. I ended up having to choose two winners for the design contest because this design met all the branding needs I'd resigned myself t..."
Image de profiljen.ik.bishoJ évalué il y a 7 mois
"Thank you"
Image de profilmark992 répondu il y a 7 mois
"annoyed 99Designs is forcing me to provide "message" feedback"
Client anonyme évalué il y a environ un an
"adjusting creativity . "
Client anonyme évalué il y a plus d'un an