
elephat instrument trunk
Rogue Pye
motocross designs
Skull of aries
Big Cat Apps, LLC needs a new icon or button design
icon or button design for Roe Mobile Development

À propos

Art Addicted PPG DALJAB 2023

Membre depuis: 16 avril 2013
Guide de marque
Niveau Expert




"Amazing work! Great communication"
Client anonyme évalué il y a presque 3 ans
"Very attentive and easy to work with! "
Client anonyme évalué il y a plus de 3 ans
"HAAGKIM has worked on many of my projects and has winner many times. They have always produced very creative and original designs. I hope to work with them again in the future. "
Image de profilwade.mallet évalué il y a plus de 3 ans
"Thank you for being accomodating to our changes "
Client anonyme évalué il y a presque 4 ans
"Kim was great to work with! Kim submitted some awesome designs and was happy to do any changes we requested. Would love to work with Kim again in the future. "
Image de profilwade.mallet évalué il y a presque 6 ans