Informations générales
Nom de la société
Avery Europe
Secteur d'activité
Description de la société et de son public cible
Avery Europe offers an online print service for small and medium
companies to create and order professional labels and stickers for a
wide variety of applications. To support our users Avery offers free
template designs which our users can customize for their own
application. Avery Europe wants to refresh the current offered free
template designs with more inspirational, professional and relevant
template designs.
Avery invites graphic designers to create a label design which can be
edited by Avery's customers online. You can find our current service
1. The first label application Avery wants to target is product &
packaging labelling. Other label applications will potentially follow
in additional contests.
2. Avery's customers create product labels for packaging such as
bottles, jars, boxes, bags, etc. for a wide variety of products. For
this contest Avery targets food, beverage, beauty and cosmetic
3. Avery's customers are mostly local manufacturers or retailers that
need labels for short to medium label batches.
4. Avery's customers have a need to brand their products
Design style
5. Avery wants to offer its customers 'generic' product label designs
and 'end-use specific' product label designs. Generic template designs
can be used for different product labelling applications. End-user
specific template designs focus on specific applications. E.g. Jam jar
labels, Honey jar labels, Water bottle labels, Beer bottle labels,
Apple juice jar-labels, etc.
6. Avery wants to inspire its customers with professional and
differentiating template designs.
7. Avery's customers like both Classic- and Modern design styles.
8. Many Avery customers want to express the Crafting, Natural or
Home-made character or their products.
9. Template designs should firstly inspire our customers in the UK,
but secondly also our DE and FR customers.
10. A template design needs to be applicable for a range of different
label sizes, allowing Avery to offer a consistent template design
experience across all sizes. Your design will be dynamically resized
into 20+ different label sizes. Smallest label is 38 x 21 mm and
largest is A4 size. (The list with exact label dimensions is
11. Avery's customers need to be able to customize all text objects
in the template design. Customizable text needs to be visible as
'lorem ipsum' text.
12. Although most users restrict themselves to customizing text only,
the template design should allow full customization by the customer or
by Avery.
13. Today Avery offers both white and clear labels. Avery prints
digital with translucent inks. Ensure the template design is
applicable for both backgrounds and add a white layer in your template
design if required.
Delivery format
14. Your design should be delivered as Adobe Illustrator-file.
15. Your design should be based on a trim box of 63.5 x 46.6 mm,
bleed box of 67.5 x 50.6 mm and a safe area of 59.5 x 42.6 mm.
16. Your design should only contain vectorised objects. Don't use any
bitmap objects.
17. Your design should contain CMYK colour gamma only.
18. Your design should only use fonts which are mentioned in the
attached font list.
Autres notes
1. Avery expects designers to offer 1 design which represents the
designer style.
2. When successful Avery intents to enter a 1:1 project with one or
more designers.
3. The designer should decide to create 'generic' and/or 'end-use
specific' template designs and for which specific product.
4. To support our template design selection Avery could ask real
customers to provide their feedback.
5. The labels will be printed on HP Indigo digital presses and the
customer has the choice between a gloss or matt finish.
Pièces jointes
Fichiers livrables
Design digital
Fichiers finaux
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