Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant Flashboy
Informations générales
Nom de la société
Trystan Taylor
Secteur d'activité
Entreprise et conseil
Description de la société et de son public cible
We are a business that sells workflow posters. This poster will detail the steps of product creation to market release.
This poster helps young 18-to 30-year-olds business owners keep on track with new product releases with proven systems.
Thanks for looking at this request!
I have heard so many great things about artists' work on 99designs.
Here is want my company is working on:
We are wanting to see a product development flow chart to hang in our office.
Would like the size to be 48 inches by 36 inches and easily read.
Photos attached have 30+ data points, looking to have nice bright colours to catch the eyes or sleek business like a dark style.
The goal is to make the flow chart simple to follow like a road map yet pleasing to look at.
Creative liberties would be great for simplifying the flowchart's words, how the flow is laid out or the colours being used. Our company is partial to red If that helps!
I have a mock of the original photo and would like you to be creative with how it's represented while keeping intact the overall processes.
Autres notes
We are always open to changes or ideas.
Please also check the comments on photos attached as it contains additional details.
We are so excited to see the work you put together!
Images d'archive
Le client a autorisé l'utilisation d'images d'archive pour ce concours.
Les images stock sont des photos et des fichiers vectoriels sous licence. Veuillez déclarer les images stock quand vous soumettez des designs pour les clients puissent payer les licences.
Pièces jointes
New Project.png
il y a 4 ans
41,47 KB
il y a 4 ans
6,34 MB
Please use this text to replace the first 4 boxes in 1st photo provided.
Si vous utilisez des polices qui nécessitent une licence, vérifiez auprès du client qu'il est d'accord. Pour des raisons de licences, il est mieux de fournir au client les informations sur comment acquérir la police plutôt que de fournir les fichiers actuels.