Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant Volha_Petra
Informations générales
Nom de la société
Secteur d'activité
Comptabilité et finance
Description de la société et de son public cible
PracticeCFO is an industry-leading, financial planning firm for dentists. We are dental-specific CPAs, Certified Financial Planners, and tax advisors who understand dental practices and recognize their unique challenges and opportunities. We manage everything from quarterly financial planning to monthly accounting, taxes, brokerage, investments, retirement, brokerage and more. Our in-house, "one stop shop" line of services proudly accelerates the path to financial independence for dentists.
We need a branded background for our virtual meetings. Please reference our website http://www.practicecfo.com when it comes to colors, fonts, style, etc. We would like this to be clean, modern, professional and sleek. Please keep this in line with our branding (references attached) and feel free to add slogans from our website (i.e., "Your Complete Dental Financial Team" or "Helping Dentists Thrive Financially")
Autres notes
I have attached 1) company logo files and 2) samples of virtual backgrounds that we like (please adjust the colors to reflect our branding)
Please do NOT add fake images of an office in our background. We would prefer an artistic and abstract rendition.
Images d'archive
Le client a autorisé l'utilisation d'images d'archive pour ce concours.
Les images stock sont des photos et des fichiers vectoriels sous licence. Veuillez déclarer les images stock quand vous soumettez des designs pour les clients puissent payer les licences.
Si vous utilisez des polices qui nécessitent une licence, vérifiez auprès du client qu'il est d'accord. Pour des raisons de licences, il est mieux de fournir au client les informations sur comment acquérir la police plutôt que de fournir les fichiers actuels.