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Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Red Silo Farm
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Est. 2018
Description de la société et de son public cible
Description: The Red Silo Farm, the Smith family's cherished retreat since 2018. Tucked away in the heart of Northern Michigan, this home is more than just a getaway; it's a haven that unites generations and creates enduring memories.
Design preferences: Circular, polygon shape. Stone foundation at the bottom, open to placing a silo in the “i” of the word silo. The farm has beautiful trees. We’d like to see a logo option with a pine tree in the background. An example of a logo we love - Cattle Farm CountrySide logo. Would like to have est. 2018 at the bottom. Farm logos are the feel we are looking for.
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Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.