I would love a steam trunk sticker look, but I am open to suggestions because I'm not sure if I want vintage or more modern, though I tend to lean towards more modern like a lot of breweries around Minneapolis and St. Paul. I apologize for being all over the board but I'm hoping this process will help me narrow down my preferred brand style. My very favorite is the orange/white/black puffin with the circle around him. He isn't too cutesy to me but still playful. I attached other images that I like. Screen print look, the Disney park image with the monochrome colors, anything tiki (Ken Ruzic, in particular), vintage Disney tiki room/jungle cruise. Like the song lyric: "Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder" is the thought behind the Bluebird logo. As your travel advisor, I'll be like that bluebird on your shoulder - there if you need me but out of the way.
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