Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Slogan à ajouter au logo
This is Texas
Description de la société et de son public cible
The city of Cleburne is looking for a logo to lead its brand as it is on the horizon of potential growth. Cleburne, Texas is a place that honors its storied history and is poised for the Texas of tomorrow. Its current slogans -- “This is Texas,” and “Branded 1867, Re-established Daily” -- fit the theme of a community that is growing while still capturing the heart of Texas. Located south of the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex, Cleburne offers the rural and community feel of yesterday while having the amenities people expect today.
Much like many major Texas towns, Cleburne was located along the historic Chisholm Trail but it was the city’s role as a major train city in the late 1800s that lead to a boom in population and commerce. Then in then 2016, the opening of the Chisholm Trail Parkway toll road created an express 28-mile connection from Cleburne to Fort Worth again opening the city to many more people. The logo should have some flexibility to be used by the municipal government and Cleburne Chamber of Commerce.
Secteur d'activité
Activités communautaires et à but non lucratif
Style graphique
Couleurs à explorer

D'autres exigences de couleur
Inspiration de design
Pièces jointes
Autres notes
The Cleburne logo should pay homage to the city’s historic roots while symbolizing the city’s movement forward. The logo must be reproducible for a variety of uses such as stationary, business cards, street signs, embroidered on apparel, painted on a water tower, and more. The designer has flexibility with colors. We are interested in seeing designs in navy, red, and white; black and gold; silver and navy; or the current red and yellow. The following terms and phrases describe Cleburne: Family oriented, history, tradition, growth, follow the trail, rails & trails, small town, big heart, legacy, safe, prosperous, community, gateway, big, and grand. The current logo was first introduced in 2008. The swooshing star creates a “C” and is symbolic of Texas’s title as the Lone Star state. While the community loves the “This is Texas” slogan, it does have issues being reproduced in smaller formats.
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