Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant Ammmmmter
Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Build Beautifully
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Description de la société et de son public cible
This logo, bearing the slogan "Build Beautifully," will serve as the emblem for our private-label partnership with our equipment manufacturer. Although the font design is finalized (refer to the brand guide), this project focuses on creating a thoughtful layout due to the logo's length, and devising an impactful icon. **The logo should not include our main brand icon**
The logo will be used across various mediums, including print and web, with a primary focus on the equipment's logo plate. The attached image shows the original equipment's plastic logo plate, which will be replaced with our "Build Beautifully" branded logo.
While we are open to creativity and not strictly adhering to the current font, the logo should maintain a clean, modern, and legible style, aligning with current design trends.
I will attach our brand manual and some examples of a private-label product. The purple Robox plate would be replaced with the "build beautifully" logo plate.
For reference, the logo plate is 6cm (h) x 21cm (w)
Si vous utilisez des polices qui nécessitent une licence, vérifiez auprès du client qu'il est d'accord. Pour des raisons de licences, il est mieux de fournir au client les informations sur comment acquérir la police plutôt que de fournir les fichiers actuels.
Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.