Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
GC Labs
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Excellence Delivered. Every Time. All the Time.
Description de la société et de son public cible
We offer Contract Manufacturing services for health and wellness market of finished goods/white label products that include gummies, soft gels, tinctures, vape, for brands in the space and retailers like the shops. We are known for our plant based products and we sell adaptogens and nootropics. I want something that is really cool and stylish., are examples of our competitors. Please be brave
Ideally the products listed above will be included in the logo some how
Secteur d'activité
Style graphique
Couleurs à explorer

D'autres exigences de couleur
Please feel free to try some options that are bold and vibrant. It should look cool and modern but retain a classic feel somehow. I dont mind really bright colour. Have a look at . Be brave, be bold. Maybe its multicolour, maybe its pastels, maybe its traditional colours. I leave to you
Inspiration de design
Pièces jointes
Autres notes
Please visit this is the existing company. This company will still be around but GC Labs, is the working title for a company which will focus on other products that dont include CBD. Therefore this logo should feel somewhat familiar but also clearly different so the market is not confused. I want something that feels familiar but also cool. Is an example of someting that i think does that well, but we cannot copy them of course.
Fichiers livrables
1 x Logo
Gagnant du concours
1 x Guide de marque
Fichiers finaux
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Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.