Titre et auteur
Hugo Höhlenmensch hat sich verlaufen – spannende Rätselgeschichten aus der Steinzeit
Sichtbar Verlag
Photo de l'auteur
Biographie de l'auteur
Description du livre
This is a puzzle book for children. It tells the story of Hugo caveman who went to run errands for his wife. But he is forgetful. He can't remember what all he is supposed to bring. He has also forgotten where he lives. By solving many different puzzles, children help Hugo remember everything. In the process, children get to know Hugo's family and learn many interesting things about the Stone Age.
Public cible
Das Buch richtet sich an Jungen und Mädchen ab 10 Jahren.
Détails de l'e-book
Première page
- Titre
- Nom de l'auteur
Détails de la première page de l'e-book
Dernière page
Détails de la dernière page de l'e-book
Éditeur de l'e-book
Amazon Kindle
Style graphique
Inspiration de design
Couleurs à explorer
D'autres exigences de couleur
Vision créative
Besoins de design
Format: 9.25 height x 7.5 width inch
The puzzle book is illustrated in color. The cover should have the same illustrations as the book itself. For this purpose, we provide a number of files for use.
Basically, none of the attached files must necessarily be used. We invite all designers to give free rein to their creativity. You may also use illustrations that you have made yourself or, after consultation, other illustrations from Adobe-Stock.
Note on the use of letters: The attached letters should be used to represent the word "Steinzeit" (German word for Stone Age) as large as possible on the book cover. The rest of the words in the title should be smaller and in a different font.
À éviter
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1 x Couverture de livre
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