Big Book of Colouring - Final Cover Designs

Tiff101 voudrait un retour sur son concours de Couverture de livre ou de magazine.

Please help us choose a cover for our new book.
We'd love your ratings (1-5 stars) and any other feedback you may have for each potential cover below.
Please bear in mind that most of our potential customers will be searching for a colouring book on Amazon so we want a cover that will stand out even when it is a small icon and appealing to the adults likely to buy it. We also want the physical cover to look appealing and attractive to children age 4-8.
Thank you so much for your feedback. It is so helpful to us!

To receive your free review copy, please follow the below link:

Notez vos préférés et laissez vos commentaires ci-dessous.
#75 réalisé par ALINAsINK
#65 réalisé par Pau Pixzel
#56 réalisé par Designios

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