1) The balance between a clear & simple design was reached through the use of soft lines and defined components all along the work, imprinting into it a comfortable wavy sensation starting from the sentence "A new wave of thinking" jewellery, in this sense trying to encapsulate Mantarraya's philosophy inside the webpages.
2) An asymmetric layout was used using an asymmetric grid and composing every design element in a balanced and not fortuitous way.
3) Using handwritings helped to add a sense of lightness and make the user focus on some of the main keywords related to Mantarraya's brand
4) The homepage and the brand page were merged in a way that all the relevant information could be discovered in a slight way by the user while scrolling down following the line of the main wave present in the webpage, canalizing all this energetic movement into the visualization of Mantarraya's Instagram feed in order to follow and discover their contents